4 Reasons Why Summer is the Best Time to Remodel
The spring and fall are usually heavy seasons for contractors and designers with projects, but that may not be the best time to remodel. It’s finally summer and we’re giving you four reasons to renovate your kitchen this season!
1. Enjoy the Outdoors
Remodeling a kitchen can be hard on your family mealtime routine. Being without a sink and appliances can be challenging, and eating out costs money. The good news is, summertime is grilling season! Spend some time outdoors and try some simple grilled meals.
2. Open Schedules & Vacation
Kids are out of school and are free from most extra-curricular activities, which can greatly open up your schedule. Now you can meet with contractors and designers without having to juggle around PTO meetings, baseball practice and the many other activities your children are involved in. Vacation and summer camps can also create ease during a remodeling period. How nice would it be to return home from vacation with a beautiful new kitchen? Pretty nice, right?
3. Lighting
Picking out your countertops, cabinetry, and paint in natural light is key during any renovation. Summer is full of bright days to ensure you are making the right choice. Open the blinds and draw in curtains to fill your kitchen with natural light. Also, days are longer in the summer, allowing more daylight for work to take place.
4. Ventilation
While a renovation is taking place, ventilation of dust and odors are important. During the summer, you can be worry-free and open windows and doors for ventilation without the cold and moisture of the other seasons playing effect.
All in all, summer is a great season for many things. Add a kitchen renovation to your summer plans and shop for countertops with Cutting Edge Countertops.